DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI Interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti
Opis (hrvatski)
Poster prezentiran na konferenciji 4th DARIAH-HR International Conference Digital Humanities & Heritage: Legacy and Innovation 09.10.2024. - 11.10.2024.
Sažetak izlaganja:
The SoPHIA project, Social Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment (H2020), was initiated to address the growing need for more comprehensive approaches to assessing the impact of interventions on cultural heritage. With cultural heritage increasingly recognized as a strategic resource for sustainable development, the project focused on developing an advanced and multidimensional model for evaluating the social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts of heritage projects.
Šifra: 870954 Naziv: Društvena platforma za holističku procjenu utjecaja baštine Naziv: Social Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment Kratica: SoPHIA Pravna nadležnost: eu Financijer: Europska unija Linija financiranja: Horizon 2020